Empire State Building refuses to be illuminated in red and white for Poland’s Independence Day

Read this story in Polish here: https://radiorampa.com/empire-state-building-odmawia-podswietlenia-na-bialo-czerwono-z-okazji-swieta-niepodleglosci-polski/ 

Everything indicates that the Empire State Building will not be among the buildings illuminated in white and red in New York City on the occasion of Poland’s Independence Day. As Radio RAMPA has established, the request to illuminate the building on November 12, 2024 was declined. 

Some New York council members do not agree with the decision and have appealed. Robert Holden, Joann Ariola, Lincoln Restler and Carlina Rivera sent a letter on this matter to Empire State Realty Trust. In the letter addressed to Tony Malkin, chairman and CEO of Empire State Realty Trust and Christina Chiu, President of Empire State Realty Trust, we read:

We are writing to express our concern regarding the repeated decisions made by the Empire State Building to decline requests from elected officials and members of the public to illuminate the building in white and red, the colors of Poland, in honor of Polish Independence Day. 

The Polish-American community is one of the largest ethnic communities in New York, and they have made significant contributions to our city’s cultural, social, and economic fabric. It is disheartening to see the Empire State Building, an iconic symbol of New York, choose not to recognize and celebrate this important occasion, especially when other landmark locations—such as City Hall, the Kosciuszko Bridge, Moynihan Train Hall, and the East End Gateway—have graciously agreed to light up in solidarity with the Polish people. 

We urge you to reconsider your stance on this matter. We hope that on November 12, 2024, the Empire State Building will be illuminated in white and red to honor Polish Independence Day and recognize the invaluable contributions of Polish Americans to our city. Moving forward, we ask that you continue to embrace opportunities to celebrate the diverse communities that call New York home. 

Thank you for your attention to this important request. We look forward to your positive response.

As of Friday at 5 p.m., the council members have not received a response. Radio RAMPA also sent an inquiry on this matter to Empire State Realty Trust and as of 5 p.m., we had not received a response either.

Radio RAMPA have also reached out to NYC Mayor’s Office in this matter, but have not heard back as the time of publishing this article. 

November 11 is Poland’s Independence Day. On November 12, New York City Hall will host Polish Independence Day. Speaker of the New York City Council Adrienne E. Adams and City Council members Robert F. Holden, Joann Ariola, Lincoln Restler and Carlina Rivera invite everyone to attend. Polish Heritage Nights at City Hall began thanks to the initiative of Councilman Robert Holden.

As Daniel Kurzyna, chief of staff for Councilman Robert Holden informed Radio RAMPA, several symbolic New York landmarks will be illuminated in white and red on the occasion of Poland’s Independence Day, precisely on November 12, when the important ceremony for the Polish community will take place at City Hall. These buildings include New York City Hall, One World Trade Center, The Kosciuszko Bridge, Penn Station’s East End Gateway, and Penn Station’s Moynihan Train Hall. 

Monika Adamski

Monika Adamski

Editor in Chief at Radio RAMPA
Redaktor Naczelna i współzałożycielka Radio RAMPA. Absolwentka City University of New York, gdzie ukończyła kierunki Media i Dziennikarstwo oraz Politologia. 15 lat doświadczenia w zawodzie. Należy do NYC Mayor Press Corps. Przeprowadziła wywiady m.in. z Prezydentami Polski, najwyższymi rangą politykami Nowego Jorku, przedstawicielami kongresu amerykańskiego.
Monika Adamski


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