Microhub for delivery trucks to be built in Greenpoint

Radio RAMPA spoke with NYC DOT Commissioner Ydanis Rodriguez about the new Micro-hub that will be created in Greenpoint later this year – under the BQE, on Meeker Ave., between Sutton Street and Kingsland Ave.

The hub is to be used to unload large delivery trucks, from where the loads will be transported within the district by smaller vehicles. The hub is being created as part of a pilot program that will create at least 36 such micro hub locations in New York City over the next three years.

About how the micro-hub will work, how it will affect the local Greenpoint community, but also about the redesign of McGuinness Blvd. and how these issues can be combined – in an interview with the NYC DOT Commissioner.

Monika Adamski

Monika Adamski

Editor in Chief at Radio RAMPA
Redaktor Naczelna i współzałożycielka Radio RAMPA. Absolwentka City University of New York, gdzie ukończyła kierunki Media i Dziennikarstwo oraz Politologia. 15 lat doświadczenia w zawodzie. Należy do NYC Mayor Press Corps. Przeprowadziła wywiady m.in. z Prezydentami Polski, najwyższymi rangą politykami Nowego Jorku, przedstawicielami kongresu amerykańskiego.
Monika Adamski


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