Polish Dual Language Pre-K at P.S. 153 will remain in place?

Representative of parents from Polish Dual Language Program at P.S. 153 in Maspeth, Queens, notified Radio RAMPA on Thursday that Pre-K Polish Dual Language class at the school, was supposed to be cancelled for the upcoming school year.

Councilman Robert Holden, representing the area, was notified by the parents as well. Councilman yesterday stated: “The sudden cancellation of the PS 153 pre-K Polish dual language program is unacceptable. My office is engaging stakeholders, including @PLinNewYork, @NYCMayor’s Office, and @DOEChancellor’s Office, to find a solution. This vital program must be restored.”

Since early Friday morning, Radio RAMPA was calling P.S. 153 trying to get answers. RAMPA has also reached out to NYC Mayor’s Office and NYC Department of Education. 

In the afternoon, DOE Queens Press office representative, Jenna Lyle, emailed Radio RAMPA with the following information:

“At New York City Public Schools, we educate students and support families from a wide range of backgrounds, and are proud to host dual language programs across the city in service of these families and in response to an increasingly global world that our children are growing up in. A qualified staff member has been identified to lead this program in the upcoming year, and we are working quickly to confirm the certification of the identified educator and will update the designation as soon as that process is complete.”

The information is encouraging, taking intro consideration fact, that the Polish Dual Language Program at P.S. 153 is a vibrant Pre-K to 3rd Grade program, serving approximately 100 kids. 

“Dual language programs are essential for fostering academic growth and giving children the tools they need to succeed,” said Councilman Robert Holden. “Having the pre-K program reinstated at PS 153 is an important step forward for our children and their futures. Thank you to everyone who advocated for this, and a special thanks to Principal David Berkowitz, the dedicated staff at PS 153, Polish Consul General Sakowicz, and all the advocates who worked tirelessly to make this happen.”

“I am very glad that more Polish-American children will have an opportunity to learn the language of their parents and ancestors,” said Consul General Mateusz Sakowicz of the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in New York. “Bilingualism is an asset and an investment for the future as it opens up numerous opportunities with regard to education and career opportunities. I appreciate Councilman Holden’s efforts to keep the bilingual pre-K program at PS 153 and I thank him for his unwavering support for the Polish community of Queens.”

Monika Adamski

Monika Adamski

Editor in Chief at Radio RAMPA
Redaktor Naczelna i współzałożycielka Radio RAMPA. Absolwentka City University of New York, gdzie ukończyła kierunki Media i Dziennikarstwo oraz Politologia. 15 lat doświadczenia w zawodzie. Należy do NYC Mayor Press Corps. Przeprowadziła wywiady m.in. z Prezydentami Polski, najwyższymi rangą politykami Nowego Jorku, przedstawicielami kongresu amerykańskiego.
Monika Adamski


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