HomeLocationNowy JorkInterview with NYC Mayor Eric Adams at Gracie Mansion

Interview with NYC Mayor Eric Adams at Gracie Mansion


Radio RAMPA guest is the Mayor of New York City, Mr. Eric Adams. The interview was conducted at Gracie Mansion – the official residence of the Mayors of New York – on November 26, just before the Polish Heritage Breakfast. As Eric Adams said, the event was “an opportunity to celebrate Polish heritage and the contribution of Polish-Americans to the development of New York.”

In a conversation with Monika Adamski, the mayor spoke about how important it was for him to introduce the history of famous Polish-Americans in New York schools. The Mayor spoke about this in an earlier interview for RAMPA TV, which you can watch HERE.

Eric Adams said that his greatest achievement in terms of relations with Polish-Americans in New York City is his contribution to improving safety in the City – the Mayor spoke about the fact that crime has been decreasing for the 10th month in a row, and New York remains the safest big City in America.

However, Monika Adamski asked the Mayor about the recent tragic situations in New York City – the horrific murders of three people in Manhattan, as well as the wounding of a random passer-by and a police officer in Queens. In both cases – the perpetrator was a person with multiple convictions who should not be free. Monika Adamski asked the Mayor about what steps he intended to take in terms of reforming the criminal justice system in New York State and asked the Mayor directly – was it the system or the judge who was at fault in these instances? As Eric Adams admitted, the investigation in both cases is still ongoing, but he declared that he would advocate for repairing the criminal justice system.

In an interview for RAMPA TV, the Mayor of New York City also spoke about the modern tools currently used by the NYPD. He praised the introduction of drones and said that he wants a weapon detection system to be properly implemented, e.g. in the subway – the Mayor said that the mere information that weapon detectors are being installed at the entrance to the subway, deters people who would like to enter the subway with such weapons.

Mayor Eric Adams has previously said that he believes Democrats are losing support in New York City because they have abandoned working-class people and their policies are too “far left.” The Editor-in-Chief of Radio RAMPA asked the Mayor what he has not been able to achieve so far, but would like to achieve, with the incoming administration of President Donald Trump. The Mayor responded that he believes that neither extreme is good. He said that there are many things that unite Republicans and Democrats – such as the desire to provide security – and that the focus should be on what can be achieved together.

Finally, Monika Adamski asked the Mayor if the fact that he does not only follow the party line, but, as he says – the most important thing for him is the well-being of New Yorkers – has cost him politically. The Mayor said that it has not and explained why.

Watch the full interview on RAMPA TV.

Watch also: the Mayor agreed to answer 25 short questions, thanks to which – you will get to know your Mayor!

You will find out, among other things – what is Eric Adams’ favorite song, movie or book. You will find out what he is afraid of; what makes him cry; but also what is his favorite street in New York. The Mayor also tells us what is the first thing he does after waking up and how he rests. We invite you to watch it now.

Get to Know Your Mayor: 25 questions to NYC Mayor Eric Adams


Monika Adamski

Monika Adamski

Editor in Chief at Radio RAMPA
Redaktor Naczelna i współzałożycielka Radio RAMPA. Absolwentka City University of New York, gdzie ukończyła kierunki Media i Dziennikarstwo oraz Politologia. 15 lat doświadczenia w zawodzie. Należy do NYC Mayor Press Corps. Przeprowadziła wywiady m.in. z Prezydentami Polski, najwyższymi rangą politykami Nowego Jorku, przedstawicielami kongresu amerykańskiego.
Monika Adamski
Monika Adamski
Monika Adamskihttp://www.MonikaAdamski.com
Redaktor Naczelna i współzałożycielka Radio RAMPA. Absolwentka City University of New York, gdzie ukończyła kierunki Media i Dziennikarstwo oraz Politologia. 15 lat doświadczenia w zawodzie. Należy do NYC Mayor Press Corps. Przeprowadziła wywiady m.in. z Prezydentami Polski, najwyższymi rangą politykami Nowego Jorku, przedstawicielami kongresu amerykańskiego.


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